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Monday, April 20, 2009


Hi guys, I'm depressed!!! My hamster Erin just passed away! :(!! I think she didn't have enough food, because I gave her a big scoope, but she liked to bury it, so maybe she just couldn't find it! Well I'm getting a new hamster, actually 2 of them. I miss her though :( :( :( :( :( :(!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back 2 School

What up y'all??? Today was ok, cause we went back to school today to find Mrs. Myers w/ a ton of work waiting for us! We also had to read an essay in front of the whole class, and I don't do crowds well!!! I stuttered and I got all shaky... it was so embarrassing!!! Becca did amazing!!! Lindsay didn't have hers (she forgot it), but later at my house she typed it up, and it was awesome!!! Well I have to go, hope I'll get over my stage fright soon!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Awesome Contest!!! =)

Hey y'all, I have a contest 4 u!!!! Ok, I'm going to give u a riddle, and who ever solves it first and emails me the correct answer (my email is, I'll make a post telling how awesome the winner is (even though everyone who goes on my blog is awesome!!) Here's the riddle......

.......... A man came to town on Friday, he stayed there 3 days, and left on Friday, how did he do it?????

Email the correct answer.... HURRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!

Too Much Burg!!!

Hi every1!! Whatcha doing???? Well I was just wondering why most of VA's cities end w/ a burg!! I mean, like Petersburg, Williamsburg, Fredricksburg, is so weird!!! If you know why they all end in burg, plz comment and tell me, if you thought this post was wacko, plz comment!!!

funny video

hey, here is a 6 sec vid of some mole rats, soooo funny!!!

Washington Zoo!!! =)

Hey everyone, we went to the Washington Zoo yesterday, it was so awesome!! I hope you like all the pics, there's not much of us, but plenty of the animals, so enjoy!! Dad says the lions really impressed him, and I loved the giant pandas!!! They're so cute, and giant! There was also monkeys, crocodiles,elephants,hippos, otters, tigers, chinchillas, and much, much more!! Well I need to put the pics on, so bye!!

Funny bird dancing

This vid is sooooo funny!! my friend rebecca (becca) emailed me this, so cute!!!

u might have to copy and paste it, sorry =(!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi guys!! Yesterday we went to The Science Museum of Virginia, it was so cool! We got to see rats playing basketball, lots of fish, different things w/ light, and Mom liked seeing all the cell parts! Later on we went to lunch at Subway, and then we went to Imax to explore the Grand Canyon!!! Dad, Peter and I loved it, but Mom said it made her feel sick!! It really did make you feel like you were moving!! In the video, they talked about rivers, it was really amazing, it looked like it was 3D!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Whats up every1??!!?? It's Spring Break!!!!!!!! The weather is ah-mazing!!! I took a bike ride w/ Andrea and Peter today, and we rode to the park. We came back at like 7:30pm, it was getting dark so we decided to head home. Right now I'm watching "The Day After Tomorrow", heard Sean likes this movie!=) I have to go right now, but have a great day and remember... Smile!!!!

waz up leon!!

hey y'all!! this post is 4 leon, just saying hey, dont know how u found my blog, but im glad u did!!! peter totally misses u (i do 2!). so if u can, plz comment, thanks, bye leon!!!