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Team Jacob:) or Team Edward:(

Monday, August 4, 2008

Recent News

Me and Maggie had a sleepover and stayed up to 3:11 am. Mom took us [just me and peter] to Maymont and it was really fun, except it was 95 degrees! There was an fish, otter, really pretty gardens, goats, geese and really ugly pigs! We got ice-cream and souvenir rocks, their really cool and pretty. Dad missed it because he was in Greece and he didn't bring me! He said he had a lot of fun in Greece and that he missed me lots, of COURSE!!!


Niall MacC said...

Wow, tat was a late night!! I bet you were tired the next day! Nice photo of you and Peter.

Mary O Hare came to visit me today and I showed her the photo of yu and Peter on your first day of school. She said that Peter looks like he is changing a bit. I also showed her your Baptism photos.

Brooklyn said...

Were staying up later(kidding,i need my beauty sleep)

Brooklyn said...
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