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Team Jacob:) or Team Edward:(

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Here's some awesome fall pics of me and peter raking leaves. There was a huge pile of leaves in the end and we had fun jumping in them! Later on Hannah Dieble helped us finish it up. Then a week later Dad got the leave blower and that helped so much more than the tiny rake. Now our yard looks good. The leaves are coming back though!!! Can we never escape the dreaded leaves??!!??!!


Ruth MacC said...

Very colourful post, and I like the sunshine streaming through the photo!

God bless,


Ruth MacC said...

I have a blogger friend in ca and her daughter wrote this...

* * *

Christmas will be here in a few days,
I think it exciting in many ways.
I hope that the day will be white with snow;
I hope it will be white wherever I go.

There will be icicles on every fountain;
There will be snow on every mountain.
The snow birds will sing their merry song,
And winter will feel very long.

In the winter I will feel great;
The winter will catch me because snow is the bait.
My grandma and aunts and uncles will be
Here for Christmas, and for tea.

~~Rachel ~~
(age 9 . . . almost 10!)

Brooklyn said...

Up date!

Brooklyn said...

seriously update your blog!

Gracie :) said...

I did at ur house Brookie!! Oh and e-mail me plz!!!