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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Watching T.V.

Hey people! I'm watching a movie called I, Robot, it's kinda creepy! It's a little late (yawn). Snoopy's by my feet snoring, Dad and Peter are glued to the T.V. and Mom's upstairs. Here's a pic of Goofy watching T.V.!


Gracie :) said...

does everyone like goofy!!!???!!!

Ruth MacC said...

That's one of Seans favourite movies! The first time we saw it was at the movies in Dublin. Will Smyth, the actor in that movie is Seans favourite actor. I am using my iphone so I can't watch the link you posted yer, but I will at a later date.
Last week there was a fab sale on in Easons and lots of items were sold for only 20 cents. I bought lots of things (picture on my blog) and so did Seán. He is planning to have a yard sale next month sometime with his stuff.
However, Mary O suggested we get the kids together and have a yard sale and send the money to Christians in the war zone in Gaza. They can sell old toys, Natasha, Sean Rooney's mum gave Seán lots of stuff to sell as did Annie, Dylans mum. We also hope to make buns to sell. Anyway, as soon as we do it we will send or post some pictures is it;-)
I went for a walk this morning with my neighbour Becky and her new pup. Will mail a pic.
Tell brookie to post something on her blog!!!

God bless.