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Team Jacob:) or Team Edward:(

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

C what a year can do?!!??!

The pic of me in the blue is from '08, and the pic of me in the red is from '09, don't I look a lot different??!!?? Plz comment!!


Heather said...

You look a lot older! You're right - a year can make a big difference.

Gracie :) said...

hi Mrs. Orr! do u miss brooklyn, caleb and seth? it's really boring w/out brooklyn!

Brooklyn said...

wow you look so different and grace call my mom heather

Brooklyn said...

it is just weird.its like going to her school

Gracie :) said...


Ruth MacC said...

You have a fringe now... I remember you cutting your own hair! Years ago.....................

Brooklyn said...

i heard about that

Gracie :) said...

peter actually cut my hair! but i did want him too!