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Monday, July 27, 2009

Think u have the best recipe... tell me!

Hey y'all! Can you guys tell me the best meal you've ever had! Then email me the recipe! I've taken an interest in cooking, and I want some new things to cook!


Ruth MacC said...

Appart from your mums corn bread (!) I like the veg burgers I cook. Not only that but Niall, Sean, Kevin, Angela and lots of other people like them too!

Cook lots and lots of potatoes in a big pot along with any vegitables you like or don't like and boil them all up together. Cabbage, carrots, broccli, onion, garlic, peas, turnip... anything goes.

The secret is to drain it all very well. Mash it all up, and let it cool off. Then scoop a bit out, place it on top of flour on the work top and mould in the shape of a burger, couvering it with flour.

Then fry it on the pan with oil and serve it with PLENTY of butter and salt.

DELICIOUS and you can freeze them!

Gracie :) said...


Seán said...

I like making egg pancake. I beat up two eggs with a bit of milk and fry them on the pan!

Heather said...

We have been trying new recipes almost every night. I'll have Brooklyn email you her favorite ones. So far I liked adding fresh, shredded spinach, shredded cheddar, and bacon bits to our mashed potatoes!

Gracie :) said...

Sounds good! yesterday my dad and i made orange chicken, it was really good! but it took a lot of work!