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Team Jacob:) or Team Edward:(

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!! I love this holiday! I'm thankful for a lot of things, well everyone is. We usually take a lot of things for granted. Food, clothing, shelter, education, I mean you never really think about any of it. Sometimes we say things like "I'm so unlucky! Why can't I have more cloths!" or "My house is so small, I wish I had a bigger house!". Think about it. People in other places in the world, even in your town, have far worse situations. Because your reading this, that means your lucky enough to have a computer! Nobody even considers any of this when they're sitting on the couch with a nice cup of hot coco, watching their favorite T.V. show. People can be very selfish and really just self-absorbed! Including me! I take a lot of things for granted! This year I am trying to be a better person!!! Well just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and to be thankful ALWAYS!!!


Gracie :) said...

Don't u just loooove my clipart????

Gracie :) said...

ha ha ha :)

Gracie :) said...

Wow! Gracie-girl! How'd you get to be so smart? You've figured out some stuff many grown-ups don't know yet!

Ruth MacC said...

Happy Thanksgiving Grace. I remember being in your home here In Ireland celebrating with you guys and the O'Hares. We had a great time! Sean and I are just home from a nature walk. He took photos and will be posting them on his blog so you should check them out.
Things are good here. The Late Late Toy Show is on tonight and we will be watching it in the Cumiskies. We are taking Rhys along too. It should be a nice evening. Last year we watched it in Dylan's home.

Glad you are so grateful and thankful for your family etc. We are all so blessed just to be saved let alone all the many extras.

Take care.

Seán said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seán said...

Hi grace, how are you. I bet you are very thankful that there are cinemas to go and watch New Moon in ;-). By the way how was the movie New Moon and did you finish reading the Twilight series yet? I am very thankful to God for were He put me and my family to live and that my dad works for himself so he can't get fired in the recession.


Gracie :) said...

Hey Sean! New Moon was good! But it had a bad ending! YES! Of course I read the books! I'm reading them again!!!! HA HA!:)

Gracie :) said...

The 3rd comment was my mom!!:)

Ruth MacC said...

I knwe that, she is the only one that calls you Gracie-girl!

Seán said...

up date grace


Gracie :) said...

kk, i did!!!!