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Team Jacob:) or Team Edward:(

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl!!! And almost Valentines....

HAPPY SUPER BOWL!!! Sadly the Cowboys didn't make it to the super bowl, but however the Colts and Saints did. I love the super bowl...great food and commercials!I don't really watch the game...but ah, who cares? Lucky we don't have school tomorrow because of the snow, which means I don't have to do my homework that was due tomorrow!!! Haha!! *sigh* Gonna have to do it tomorrow though...oh well...gotta get that ESSAY done sometime:(. Well just checking in! Happy SUPER BOWL....and week before Valentines Day!!:D:D!!



Ruth MacC said...

What do you mean great food? Do you eat out or does hour family cook special meals?
Sean and I just got home from spending the day in Dublin, just the two of us. We hoped on the bus and chilled out and hung out watching buskers on Grafton st, went to the park, to Burger King...twice and now I am in front of the fire while Niall and Sean are off to the movies to watch Avitar for the third time!!!! Mad!!!!
Ahh, I love spending time with Sean away from the schooling/home situations. It's like a mini holiday and now and again we both need it.

Hope you are well.

Ruth MacC said...

Hello again Grace,
I have an award for you over at my blog so pop over and pick it up!

Just copy and paste it on to the side of your blog here.


Ruth MacC said...

Hello again Grace,
I have an award for you over at my blog so pop over and pick it up!

Just copy and paste it on to the side of your blog here.
